and that gene healy talked about that yesterday as well with regard to impeachment as another mechanism with regard to how the founders thought about managing executive power, and so think about the idea of political power and how the parties sort of operate with regard to that idea. where are they? it's not just military power, right. it's also about sort of the projection of america to the rest of the world and to us. how do we see that projection of power, be it in the house, the senate, the judiciary, the executive, as well as within the states. you know, what is the kind of power your governor has? is it different than my governor? there's a lot of differences in terms of gubernatorial power. the last two readings i wanted to just sort of talk about a little bit and then sort of opens up for the readings for tomorrow, elaine marks piece on emotion in politics, with regard to why hillary clinton lost, but will open up some of the conversation with regard to the readings tomorrow by liliana mason and kathy cramer and some of the other discussions and i want you to start thinking abou