sergeant genell. i would like the public to see from your perspective some video if you are comfortable with my showing it. >> yeah, that's fine. >> if the clerk could roll the video, please. [shouting] >> you, hold the shields. we need a man. go ahead. [shouting] >> stop, stop. >> sergeant, in that video one of the first things you hear is someone saying you are going to die tonight. you described in your opening statement being crushed by rioters, you could feel yourself losing oxygen thinking this was how your life would end trampled to death defending the capitol. it is hard for any of us to understand what you went through even though we were there. it is even harder for people around the country to understand what that was like. can you tell us what you were thinking when you were losing oxygen and thought that might be the end? >> my rational there and the way i was thinking, we can't let these people in no matter what. even if it costs my life. that bloody hand you saw, that's me there. both m