no one knows, not even general abaca. -but he is my husband. -it was the only way to ensure your safety. if he knew, he might try to communicate with you, and the agents of the secret three could be anyone. the servants, the telephone operator. we couldn't take that risk. senor kuryakin, do you realize what you have done? i help him, i guide him. paco has great need of me, now more than ever, and my people have great need of me. they have great need of you alive. they will think i have deserted them. no, not when they've read your statement to the press. my statement? yes. "the strain caused by the attempted assassination has necessitated senora angela's traveling abroad for a prolonged rest so that she may regain her strength for democracy and freedom." i wrote it myself. it's very good. thank you. but understand one thing, senor kuryakin. neither you nor uncle will prevent me from getting back to my people. we're honored that you have joined us. unfortunately, our plans have suffered a slight delay. well, if we're going to talk, it's a bit aw