think anything's more effective than when you take actual recovering people down to the general assembly building. when-when you've got 100 people running around those floors, giving out recovery information, this is what we're doing. we're not only talking about stories, we bring the burning bush to the legislators. this is the situation. this is what worked. this is what needs to be done. very, very effective, and after a while, these legislators start calling us up when they need help. hey, my nephew's got a problem. could you, you know, can i send him over to you? so we're building not only information networks, but actual service networks. these-these politicians are coming to the recovering people for services as equal as they would any other provider out there. so i think that speaks volumes right there. well, and also recovery community centers and other services and places in communities that recovery community organizations have developed are places where the whole community can come and do activities that don't involve alcohol and other drugs, so the prevention message, the prevention