i am, generarayokura. oh, yes, yes. as a matter of fact, uh...there were very interesting dossiers in our files. ah, i am flatterer. 'but i am also disturbed that u.n.c.l.e. has sent you' 'to probe matters which dodoot concern you.' as a matter of fact, at the moment i'm rather disturbed about that myself. what do you know of chemical formula j-47? of its effects?' i never heard of it. - mmm, no. - oh, come, mr. solo. that island...the village yoyodestroyed. i dislike glibness. yes, i can see that. 'we search for the s se mystery, you and i.' the source of the chemical which infected the village. well, since we are on the same easter egg hunt let's make a little trade, shall we? i'll tell yoyowhat i know and you tell me...what you know. for a man very close to death, you are remarkably cavalier. well, let's see, actually i won't be able to say anything after i'm dead, will i? very well, i will accept your bargain. chemical j-47 was perfected by one of my own countryman in a secret laboratory here in norway, during the l