. >> listen to genna, she's the master of facebook. come on, we're trying to get you 400 likes! >> "how to get 400 likes on your profile picture." a profile picture is kind of like how you want people to visualize you. you put your best foot forward. and your cover photo kind of tells about your personality. >> okay, guys, do you think darius should do this picture? >> that picture? as his profile picture? >> i vote no. >> rushkoff: what is it you would want the profile to accomplish? >> you want it to show the true darius, and usually when you think of darius, he's always smiling, always a happy guy to be around. >> oh, that's so cute! >> so it's this one? >> yeah, it's really cute. >> we found a photo of when he's smiling and being his true self. >> rushkoff: is it "true you" now? >> my profile is definitely the true me now. definitely true me. >> rushkoff: compared with the kids i met 13 years ago, this group seemed so sophisticated. >> what's your caption going to be? >> nothing... >> you need a caption! >> rushkoff: but as they sat there doing a virtual makeover on their fr