in order for tens of millions to see this film, thousands of people worked, but without the gay gennadyvichave head of the department. are we part of progress, because we develop precisely thanks to new knowledge, and today it is impossible to imagine our present and future without innovative developments, new technologies and inventions, therefore the dissemination of knowledge in this area, in the field of innovation, is especially important, and as you probably guess, we are moving on to presenting awards in the nomination for contribution to education in the field of science. and technology. the award is dedicated to the tenth anniversary of science and technology in russia, it will be received by laureates in two categories, among the nominees of the enlightenment category, are presented. attention to the screen. the nomination includes vladimir belokhovsky, senior researcher at the polar geophysical institute of the city apatity, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. research in cio we see that thanks to one of the events, just decades of science and technology, and this is e