of the former chick, adzin from the most cruel commandants of the camp, the builder, the former genry eikhe great love of the water of rare flowers and passages here, looking for the soul and slaughter of the dead . it's a pity, nazi gang. the path of a fair baked goods, utsek from argentsіnu, look and think, this field is the same month, dze the sang of the burnt elms was scattered, and all this sudden death passed away. black tile, used for the sick. the old tapols were pasajans in their hands. at the end of the cherven of 1944, for several days and the summoning of the minsk red army, at the former kalgas threshing floor. 6,500 victims were shot and then burned. sunny is a brotherly magician here. yes, there was a change there, even in the past, they killed and burned. he is caught in photographic smoke, at the material chambers to investigate the evil of the german-fascist burying grounds. i eight getae mesa taksama budze memoiryalizavana. well, the worst thing. at the kіlametra tsi amal kala kіlametra znahodzitsa month masavaga znishchenya, there were only ditches, and people were slau