they put pressure on gentz to flip on the person who hired him. gentz is saying that the police went over board and led him to make a statement that is not true. that can come out in a hearing and a new trial. and that would be if the jury believe its. >> would there be a separate investigation in to the police. the police said we want him, meaning the husband. >> the police are allowed to lie to suspects and allowed to trick the suspects and do things like that. and i don't think the police would be investigated. we welcome these types of police tactics. and the question is what he told the police is admissible and whether or not it is it reliable or based on police misconduct and police pressuring him to get him to say the statements and if he said that with hope of benefit. and if you have a statement to the police and you have a hope and benefit that has less reliability in court. this will come down to wlo whether that statement has weight and reliability. >> why did the prosecution rely on this guy in the first place. thank you for your opin