you want to turn out younger voters, genxers, millennials, people of color, yes, some working class voterswhite as well. so, latinos. so, you're going to want to have somebody who looks a lot like where america is going -- >> we're running out of time. i want to give michael a chance to give a final word. 20 seconds before we get out of here. i didn't want to interrupt you because that was a gun point but i want to give michael a chance. >> tim ryan may or may not be the answer. what were do know is continuing with the same veteran leadership is not going to give the democrats what they need going forward. >> you said it right there. atima, we appreciate you being here. we appreciate fauntroy. >> thank you. >> the president was busy today tweeting he does not have recordings of his private conversations with fired fbi director james comey. >> so, the president fired off some tweets this afternoon. he wrote i did not make done not have any such recordings. this tweets ends weeks of speculation after the president suggested falsely at the time he may have taped interactions with comey during