genya is lebedev son of gainey he played host to british prime minister boris johnson then the foreign minister but his villa in italy. when was the last time you met boris johnson. who would wait 3 to 3 years ago but i think in total i've met him more than 10 times. we want to know more about a party at your italian villa. it was a nice birthday but i myself didn't see johnson there he was tired and just relaxing what do you want me to say that i saw him or not either way i did not talk to him and your son when was the last time he saw johnson that he was i don't know ask him yourself they've been friends for years did your son contribute money to the conservatives. i don't know anything about. newspapers that could theoretically influence people but i doubt he's done that british journalists are hard to influence i'm sure my son didn't turn out money to the conservative or labor party or anyone else for that matter. what about you. you kidding i can't afford to do that. so where are these suspicions coming from. this is fake news written by the guardian they want to compromise boris