that's the official bio of geoff dyer. the more sort of informal and briefer one says that geoff is one of the most intriguing and wide ranging intellects writing today period. he's written about world war i jazz, photography, d.h. lawrence with razor sharp insight and wit. he's a sol ideal revealing open-minded writer are. when an editor asked him where of all the places on earth he'd like to spend time to write about this lanky british individual chose an american aircraft carrier, and that is why we have his latest book "another great day at sea: life abrothered the uss george h.w. bush." you all can meet geoff after the two of us talk here for a bit and get him to sign his books for you. we want you to remember that sales of books during this weekend actually benefit the festival and help insure that we can continue to produce this event in the future. so we hope you'll meet geoff after the two of us talk here for a bit. so thanks for coming, geoff. >> oh, thank you clay. great to be here. thank you all for coming. >>