. >> the other couple involved in the federal case, geoff zarillo and paul katano. >> there are righ-i-g-h-t-s tha come along. >> the justices declined to rule and therefore upheld al ban. >> our straight friends are getting married. the sky has not fallen in. >> i spoke to the proposition 8 challengers in washington, d.c. in a minute, you will hear from chris and sandy. but first, my interview with the men. they have been a couple since 1998 and married last year. >> was there a moment for a series -- or a series of moments where you realized that you were not just disappointed people, as a lot of people were in california after prop 8, but ready to join the fight, ready to put the bit in your teeth and actually take this to court? >> your proposition 8 hurt. it hurt before it passed because the propaganda took a shift and the shift was to utilize this idea that children would be harmed, the institution of marriage would be harmed, heterosexual couples would no longer get married if you were to allow marriage equality. it was the propaganda that was filled with lies and misrepresentations of