delaware state leaders and now if they want to change their tune delaware secretary of state geoffrey bullock announced that his state was now in favor of ending anonymous shell company formation in the united states delaware who's who of all guards who have taken advantage of delaware law and to avoid paying taxes among them are the clintons who have opened up companies to hide their speaker of the money and of the five hundred fifteen companies on donald trump's official federal election commission filing three hundred seventy eight are registered in delaware there is are among the two hundred eighty five thousand companies registered at the same wilmington delaware address a place called the corporation center corporation trust sumter. are they trolling us with that. because i'd sooner trust seven eleven brand condoms and that's with the full understanding they're lubricated with the oil from the to kiddos that have been rolling near the cash register for three months but bullocks desire to clean up delaware piggybacked on his faith in a bill in congress called the counterterrorism illicit