you look at geoffrey weglarz who has had 481 job applications and no job.ean, the long-term unemployment -- unemployed in this country, more than four million out of work for six months. judy, there's been a study done of employers looking at resumes and if your resume comes in and it's the same and michael has not been working for a month and i haven't been working for seven months, 11 month miss and we have identical resume it is employer will go to the person who's worked most recently. there's almost a stigma that attaches. it become asterbly vicious cycle. when you're out of work you remain out of work and obviously that was cited as you're expected -- younger workers are more flexible in salary, they're more flexible supposedly on training or employers willing to invest the time and the money and training. i mean, it's a terrible, terrible dilemma and that's a terrible waste human capital. i thought joe was just elegant on the subject of you cannot lose fellow americans like that -- you cannot leave fellow americans like that behind. >> woodruff: what