. -- george alagiah. reddish mps vote on whether to allow gay people to marry. -- british mps vote on whether to allow gay people to marry. the scandal of the mandoline -- magna lane -- magdalene laundries. also, we take a look at what is happening in business. a big legal battle is brewing. >> five years on from the financial global meltdown, the credit rating agencies may have to pay the piper. the u. s. government says it will sue -- u.s. government says it will sue standard & poor's for taking on high-risk reddit ratings -- four it's high-risk -- for its high-risk credit ratings in 2007. it is midday in london, 6:0 zero in dhaka, and 5:30 -- 6:00 in dhkaka. the horrific rape in december has been reported about on " gmt." it led to a great deal of soul- searching about how this nation of more than one billion people treats women. at this specially convened, fast-track court, the first of the prosecution's witnesses. he is understood to be the victim's male friend, with her when she was attacked. over t