george -- john marshall. that carries over into the west conference room with more modern justices. wwlliam howard taft on one wall and charles allener the fireplace looking at one another over time. >> a light to go in a quiet night to the conference room, because the portraits on the wall are all my predecessors as chief justice's. to some extent, you looked up at them ith a degree of all an appreciation for what they went through. they're looking down at you with amusement or mazement. each of them have a special story to tell, not only personally in the institution of the court. you look up at marshall and appreciate the importance of having tte courts function as a court, moving the court from where it eech justice wrote their own opinion, to having the opinion of the court, establishing the court and its present form. right next to him is chief justice taney, the most unfortunate. you understand that he saw this great problem offslavery and he was going to solve it. it was a tremendously misguided and enter the court for centuries to come. that helps to form how you look it to run job. you walk down further and see more some