ktvu's george atson continues his report now from 1986 on the landmark construction project that took four and a half years. >> cable sink was probably the -- spinning was probably the most dramatic element in building the bridge. now the towers would be linked together finally. here in the west you can get a better leek at the cable that finally did the job. there are 472 wires that were strung together into a strands and 37 of the strands were compressed into the final cable this did the job. the cable becomes backbone of the suspension bridge. it must have looked strange. this majestic bridge being linked together by an archaic spinning wheel but this is the way it was. loop after loop for weeks the wheels went back and forth laying 17,000 strands of wire to form a single cable. >> the adjustor and the cable. after the spinning wheel would come by, from one tower to the next, they would -- digging it up and that would mean they would tighten the one cable to a special machine there. that they -- spent like 17,000 strands of wire. which 3/8s of an inch thick in diameter. after they