a gentlemanly gas, deadly by all means but humane, not cruel." >> people like george bernard shaw wereed that overpopulation was this terrible, terrible problem; particularly, because the unf unfit, the genetically less desirable were swamping the good genetic types. in the late 19th century, there are almost a cream of british intelligentsia embracing eugenics. well into the 20th century. saying that thousands, millions had to be marched off into gas chambers and liquidated. george bernard shaw has a great line where he says, you know, we should do it while playing lovely classical music as we march them into the gas chamber. a lot of people seem to think that this concept of the gas chamber as a tool of social policy was invented by the nazis. it wasn't. it was -- i mean this in the most disgusting evil way, it was perfected by the nazis. but this idea of using things like gas chambers to kill off millions of people so that the rest of the good guys could prosper and move to the sunny upland of history was immensely popular. >> glenn: all of these systems are based on the idea that w