there was this man, george creel, who basically was the chief propaganda officer of this country during world war i, and his job was not to suppress news so much as to put good news out there, to spread the word about americanism, why we were fight and it's actually -- most interesting part of the book for me -- very interesting to research and it was quite revealing to me to see in some ways how sophisticated they were in 1916, 1917 and 1918 in getting this new proamerican message out to the world, and also to americans. i mean, it was a way of rallying our troops, and rallying the nation, and to get us going. and it used all forms. it made use of film. made use of artwork, made use of oratory. we had something called four-minute men who appeared -- if you went through any movie theater, after you watch a film, some man would come out and stand up in front of the screen and would just give a four-minute speech on the topic of the week, which was some great american theme, and the were four-minute men all over the country doing this, for example. so, it was quite an interesting exercise