this guy was named george dawnridge. he had been a good bit of -- it was called the world conference of antisemites. and this american guy, was invited to germany to come speak of that congress. he came home for that congress in 1938, by 1939, he had some of his colleagues have planned a nationwide network of armed, 13 men cells, her meeting, training, amassing guns and ammunition, with the plan that they would all act simultaneously, right up to the 1940 election. to kill american jews. and to take over the u.s. government by force, and install a hitler style government and united states. if you want to learn more about any of the stuff, i highly commend you a number of really, good fairly recent books that tell you the whole whole story. a book called hollywood spies, and another book by steven garage, called hitler in los angeles, both these books are great, verily highly recommended by me, i mean if you don't read that kind of, thing they're both very well researched and totally eye-popping. i've been reading this ki