wasnor roosevelt, the thing my father's father george duren was the first non-mormon governor of utah. and then he went to become roosevelt's first secretary of war. he died in office. and my family used to go visit the roosevelts and hide park where they were outside of new york. one year they were visiting and i got to go with them and i was riding a bicycle in the afternoon and i ran into a tree and hit my head. you had aays when concussion, they laid you dan with your head on the pillow and straps your head across the pillow so you could not move to the seder anything. -- to the side or anything. when i came to it was late at night and as i moved my head to the side, i saw this lady's legs veins, she had a night with tackyut here slippers. i did not understand. as i slowly came up and started looking to wear her face was, she had a book in her lap and she looked like this. she had that roosevelt invite and i realized, it is the president's wife. before he went away so i would have been eight. was in my house. somebody took that and ran with it. who would babysit someone like that