. >> six years ago they did this, but the writer at the time, the reporter at the time george fitsgibbon, he had the list and he refused to give them the addresses, but he just printed the name and the town. because his next-door neighbor was a law enforcement officer. he was afraid of, one, somebody he arrested might come and go after his neighbor, and two, what if the guy made a mistake and went to the wrong house, and got his family instead. >> sean: a great point. >> so he they went and guy a got out in queens so he would have no direct connection with anybody. >> sean: you told me before about-- we've already sort of labeled you as the team spokesman, team captain as we get started. >> i don't know. >> sean: you said you're a young mother. >> yes, yes he. >> sean: sometimes home alone. >> sure, absolutely and now especially i feel vulnerable. >> sean: explain. >> there's a lot of break-ins going on around 5-7 p.m. where i live and in the next town over and they're warning people, they're coming in and breaking in to make it look like somebody's home. they now know that there's a gun