it is my pleasure to welcome george friedman to the carnegie council once again. as it is almost one year to the day that mr. friedman first addressed us on his bestselling books "the next 100 years: a forecast for the 21st century" his appearance this morning is living proof that history does repeat itself. this time taking us from where he left off, same time last year, he will go a bit further to discuss obama's foreign policy and tell us what matters for america's future. in the new preface to the next 100 years, mr. friedman writes that when this book was first published, everyone thought we were living in unprecedented times. not only because of the financial crisis but because of the election of barack obama, a president that many predicted would change the political game. only one year ago obama was featured as "time" magazine's person of the year and his campaign of hope was still on the minds of many americans. now admits setbacks on healthcare, the still limping economy and what some view as foreign policy failures, writers, pundits alike are taking swi