we have a perception of george gipp and nude rockne because of hollywood that is diametrically opposed to reality of nude rockne and george get. hollywood has the power to make bruce willis see dead people. and also the power of making these two men sinners into saints on the screen. this is a lot like the controversy over football today. my book is about perception versus reality. we have a perception about football based on the mass media that the game is more dangerous than ever, that players die young if they played for a long time, that there's this epidemic of suicide in the nfl. what i do in "the war on football" is i get the signs and i try to overcome the speculation with the science on the game and the stories behind the game. and the reality is that the perception that's been created by the mass media with football over the last two years is almost in every instance wrong. in some cases just 180° wrong. i got into this genesis of writing "the war on football" was a study that was put together by the national institutes for occupational safety and health. national institutes