time when michigan was going through a caucus ship, tried to make the determination between george h. walker bush, jack kemp, and robertson supporters, so my friend was a jack kemp supporter, and he got the ball in the party appeared much to his chagrin, i wound up being a bush supporter. >> in the 1990's, you wound of the and in local politics. when did you decide to run for politics? >> that was much later. that was in 2002, post- september 11 because as a state senator, you cannot affect national policy, and clearly this was a threat to the nation. it was a significant proportion to anything we have seen in the past, except for pearl harbor. to me, it was a place you could make a difference in terms of the national security of united states and protecting your community and moving it forward. in michigan, we also had some of the economic challenges that still confront us to this day. this was the place where you could make a difference. >> why are so many members of the house running for president and not one sitting u.s. senator? >> there are three of us. he would have to ask the senate. i do