george jones is a wonder.s. that's a great thing for a veteran like george jones to say. and the fellow that plays the piano, he's so wonderful. he just plays with his right hand. (bill) gordon mote. gordon mote? well, whether you play the e-flat telephone with your right hand, or whether you play it with your left hand, you need to go over to it and call the number on your screen as we are going to be going back to the program. >> ♪ amazin' grace, ♪ how sweet the sound. >> gaither: ralph stanley is a living legend in the field of bluegrass music, and he has been a defining influence for generations of artists. he has been singing and recording ground-breaking bluegrass music for decades, but many of us fell in love with his music through the movie sound track of o brother, where art thou? which has become one of the most definitive bluegrass recordings ever released. >> well, that movie was in 2002, i believe. >> gaither: yeah, you've been playing about 50 years, and all of a sudden, at the end-- >> yeah, or