. >> there are two huge studies, the george kainon study in a midwest town in the '80s. >> it's a study rejected by virtually everyone in the profession. >> in what profession? >> in social science. >> i don't think so. >> research into rape. it's one of a few studies that men's rights activists cite simply because it agrees with their preconceptions. >> other statistics we can cite. >> it suggests that is the actual percentage of false rape accusations is somewhere between 2% and 8%. somewhere in that ballpark. it's impossible to know for sure. when they talk about this, they talk on another level of magnitude. no one else has done serious studies on this, has done anything remotely like that. >> let's assume what you are saying is true. and let's also take a look at what happened in our legal system in recent years. we have taken away due process for people, men, accused of sexual assault. this is wrong. it results in innocent men going to gaol. and let's talk about the incidence of rape. >> let's stop there for a second... >> when someone is arrested... >> hang on, i want to get on t