and this artist, george katlin started to go west in 1830. he made a series of trips to the west to document native people and included buffalo herds in his portrayals of the way of life in the west. and he was inspired to do this by the prevalent idea that buffalo and native people would soon go to extinct as people from the east began to settle in the middle of the country. and so katlin makes this pleasant introduction, a polite introduction, most of his pictures buffalos are sam speeding and wallowing in the mud and fighting. but here he singles out one buffalo who is looking at us whose tail is switching in a curious way and he appear be a docile fellow with crossed eyes. and he is a creature used to spending time undisturbed by human predators. >>> i was just so thrilled when i could find a person who converged in so many different areas of the exhibition and that is audubon. he was an amateur orn thol gist. he created one of the first inventories of american birds "the birds of america." and he was also a great shot who prided himself