the final book is george kearns goodwin brilliant book called the bully pulpit. it's essentially the relationship between theodore roosevelt and william howard taft his successor. how two different men with two different styles had a deep and profound friendship and teddy could think of no one else to succeed him but william howard taft. the tragic unfolding of that relationship once taft became president and how it never quite got repaired. you really kind of appreciate william howard taft more than maybe we think of in our understanding of history but it's another brilliant effort by doris kearns goodwin about the linking cabinet really bringing alive this period of history and by the way it eerily reflects our modern politics. so much of what you read here of what was happening in was happening and that time period in american history so many years ago actually purely because what we are doing today today in our politics and the media and in the relationship between the executive and the congressional branch. a great read and absolutely a must read for the sum