and i go back to george lacoff and his notion that we have people who are anxious to enforce the laws, and people broke the laws, so we ought to build a fence. how high a fence do they want? 70 feet? whatever. it's racist. how do we know this? they don't want it up north. now. you said, both of you, you referred to if we pass the dream act, if we make people citizens, they will pay taxes. but as he said, no, they already pay millions and millions and millions of dollars of taxes. sales taxes, property taxes, and yet some states don't want to let them go to public school. and who funds public schools? and income social security says that about half of them pay social security and can get though benefits. >> that's right. >> i think we ought to be talking about, we ought to be fair that we're not providing what they are are paying for. [applause] >> one of the best ways to save social security is, i thought i might add that those of us in our committees working on social security, one of the best things we could do to preserve and extend the life of social securind to make sure we bring