george lovell heads off to study the dominant industry of the highlands.lly it is marked by tall trees g low shruike is. eh, r... porías o toaganquets po translatoronig quetzalen narrator: eightquetzales-- $10 a day-- iseager wage by a standar onoffee pofhe violenceke this,vt it and grion.ross guatemala. just three perce of guamalas by the m960s controlledwo-thisofhe ae . atel gw co perce of guamalas by the m960s he h cal,ledwo-thisofhe ae . most are cash crops for export. verywho pportoy rerns on the small remaining land. squalid using, impoverishing wages and liand ofir own led many indians and with that desireheir , came conflict. in new milnnium but the underlying the gureproblems remain. ma't have enough lan who will soon reach to childbearing isin willir culture and economy change toncourage family planning? aturrent rates will they access to birth control? the cwillow doubletion in just 24 yea, compared with 120 years for the u.s. economics, religion and the lack of bih control mean tt fertility rates remain as high as they haveeen for centur