. >>> the city of san francisco offered george lucus for a a new site for his hollywood meme beal i can't're told when the mayor realized that the initial proposed site wasn't going to work, he put together a team to look at every property they could find to potentially house lucus' museum. city leaders say they don't know when they'll receive a response. >>> this week they say they'll stop tracking customers via wifi due to property concerns. they learn that there was prices in the store that sent store data about how long held they would visit and how long they would stay. the data was anonymous and there were stickers in the windows alerting customers about the devices. customers though did not specifically consent to be tracked. >> i'm glad that they're not using it at this point because i would want to know a little bit more about it. if they are going to use something like that, i think it would be more prominent than probably just a sticker on the door. >> reporter: the san francisco chain has 14 bay area stores. >>> neighbors say they repeatedly called police but no action has bee