johnson, george lund, alexander mu chef, steven a. shoresman, s.d.shubula, rob spire, and michael f. walsh. [ applause ] >> now to begin this evening, our old friend, not old, but good -- >> he's kind of old. >> atlantic council chairman senator chuck hagel. he's one of the men who constantly remind us what's best about washington. [ applause ] from serving his country in vietnam to the united states senate, he also serves as co-chairman of the president's intelligence advisory board. as co-chair of the china 100,000 strong initiative and is member of the secretary of defense's policy board. >> ladies and gentlemen, our friend and great leader, senator chuck hagel. [ applause ] >> thank you. i am grateful. this is old chuck. i am here on behalf of the board of directors of the atlantic council to thank you, to acknowledge what each of you continue to do for the atlantic council. you make a better world for all of us. that is the essence of why we recognize those tonight that joe and mica have already acknowledged because they represen