club feature author george m. johnson, author of all boys aren't blue. and grace, we're booking you for just shortly after your 102nd birthday, so we can make this an annual thing. grace lynn, an activist who has been doing this all her life, and it's going to continue to fight for your right to read in for your children to read what you choose. not with the government, now the school board chooses. thank you both for being here. that does it for me catch ridicule for tomorrow from 10 am to noon, eastern. don't get velshi is available as a podcast, you can follow in listen for free wherever you get your podcasts. stay right where you are, the katie phang show starts right now. katie phang show starts ri now. i'm katie phang, live from telemundo studios, miami, florida. here is the week that was. >> why am i back? you maybe ask yourselves. it's a very reasonable question. i have committed a lot of crimes. >> the republican-led house will not be jammed or forced into passing a foreign aid bill that was opposed by most republican senators. it does nothing t