they explained to us what they with first report george mcclellan's course assurance that the quote unquoteould do it all when lincoln gave him command o of the union army as well as the army of the potomac. they were the first to reveal lincoln's great distress our early in the war when washington, d.c. was cut off from the north, and the prison was keeping anxious vigil for the troops and she said, why don't they come? the biographers also offered unprecedented light into lincoln's decision-making on anticipation and elizabeth of black soldier soldiers and theyn incentives to of his interaction with the union army highest command. of all, what they did was create a master narrative that continues to commit series of scrutiny more than a century after its introduction. populating his cabinet with former opponents for the republican presidential nomination, lincoln demonstrated his discernment and magnanimity in choosing in the quote he didn't know. he recognizes them as governors, senators and statesman, while they yet looked upon him as a symbol frontier lawyer at most, and rival, given c