this is george mclelland, the commander of the army of the potomac early in the war, a very prominent, very famous and well-known union general. mclelland within the democratic party represented a faction known as war democrats. war democrats were members of the northern democratic party that favored the prosecution of the war very aggressively, definitely wanted to continue the war to preserve the union, but always opposed emancipation. his rung mate is a man who you'll heard of as george pendleton, a congressman from ohio. he's significant in this regard because he wants a party called pie peace of the democratic or copper heads if you ever come across that label. peace democrats had basically arrived at the cause that war is a fall and you are continuing the war was a tragic mistake. the democratic party will put these two member together on the same ticket. war democrat and peace democrat. mclelland, even earlier in the war, he takstaked out his posit to regard with abraham linkon. so mclelland's position, continue the war, absolutely reputiate slavery. now the democratic party is