in other words, writing something critical about george g mead. before banishing him from cap which was sort of his right, mead forced him to march their camp, carrying a sign reading liebler of the press. -- libeler of the press. mead boasts in a letter to his wife that the sentence, as he puts it, was carried out to the delight of the or me -- of the whole army. journalists reacted by ignoring mead and their subsequent dispatches, except to report his failures. although he continues technically to command the army of the potomac for the duration journalists began treating him as if you no longer existed. later, the first generation of wartime memoirs, many compiled by former war correspondent, did likewise. unlike sherman again too big to be ignored, mead's hostility contributed to a future in visibility, at least in the rank he may have thought he deserved and maybe dead. after 1863, the reporters who had been or became his victims wrote him out of the civil war. his troops may have been baptized in blood, their general was buried in ink, or at