i want to bring in george naylor. 010 prior to coming on full time here at msnbc. george, it's wonderful to have you. what do you think of this farm bill. >> i tell you this farm bill is one in a long series since the early '50s that were aim at destroying the new deal. if it's discussed as welfare, nobody will understand what the original farm bills in the new deal were really all about. >> explain the difference and explain why the current way that we conceive of farm support doesn't work. >> well, you see, as you were talking about food stamps, we're not going to eliminate poverty with food stamps. if people were given a minimum wage that was a living wage and people were guaranteed a decent job, you wouldn't have to have -- you wouldn't have to have food stamps, and the same way with farm programs. if farmers were guaranteed an actual price in the marketplace, minimum price, a good price, and were given the tools to control supply so that the big corporations that buy our products would have to pay at that kind of