this is a piece of my great-grandfather's pottery, george ohr. was the mad potter of biloxi, mississippi. and how did you come about having this? my mother is an ohr. she was otto's daughter, and otto was george's son. and so she got five pieces. i have a brother and a sister, and this is the piece that i picked. you picked well. thank you. i think so. this is really gorgeous. thank you. and i'm a big fan of george's work. oh, great. i think he is the greatest ceramic artist, living or dead, in this country. oh, that's what they always say. so ahead of his time. george was working out of biloxi, mississippi. right, and it's not that far over. however, as you may know, most of your great-granddad's work went up to new jersey. right. maybe some 10,000 pieces or so with mr. jim carpenter, who was an antique dealer, and that happened in the early 1970s. and so little was left beyond that, yeah. and the pieces that are actually descended from the family are very, very rare. and these are called "pre-carpenterian" pieces-- before jim carpenter. and this