but in 2009, greece's newly elected socialist prime minister, george papandreu had climbed to close to triple the euro zone limit. the government was taking in far much less than it was spending and greece's public debt had climbed to $400 billion. six years later after major economic reforms and severe government spending cuts recession weary greeks voted for aself-described radical left syriza party which promised to end the austerity from which greeks were suffering. greece's austerity, the tightening of government spending, the shrinking of the public services contributed to a drastic increase in poverty and reduction in the standard of living. greek household incomes have decreased by almost a quarter in four years. wages have been cut, taxes have increased. one study says the tax burden on the poor increased by 337% while the rich only saw an increase of 9%. the prime minister has vowed to wheand he end what he calls the pillaging of the middle class. some wonder if the government has been able to keep its promises. prime minister alexis tsipras promised to end the tax evasion pr