. >> charlie: george saunders is here.rsity. his message was both simple and powerful. try to be kind to others. three months later the "new york times" placed a transcript of the speech online. within days it had been shared more than 1 million times. that speech is now the book. congratulations, by the way. some thoughts on kindness. i am pleased to have george saunders back at this table. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> charlie: so just -- what am i having in here that's different than reading the speech or hearing the speech? >> originally, i had written a 20-minute speech, thinking that's the length. about two days before i was to give it, i called and they said, no, it's eight. eight minutes. >> charlie: on behalf of the students, it's eight. >> exactly right. so as a short story writer, i'm pretty good at cutting it back, so i put in some of the cuts, basically very similar to the speech itself. because the speech was kind of surprising. i didn't expect it to go beyond that day. so when it did, i felt like maybe