sure, i mean, george sontag, a thinker that we don't talk about much today but we should because he was a towering intellectual, philosopher and poet and novelist and early 20th century. he thought nietzsche was a fitting that was wrong with the german mind. the hyper aggrandize self. he thought that what he called the german mind or the german temperament and he traces this back and nietzsche becomes the great exemplar is an intellectual reminded that just could not do without limits, so we actually referred to nietzsche amateurish lessons, so he's pretty dismissive of it nietzsche and that's example of a thinker, that's wicked with a robust thinker and a careful thinker. there are plenty others. i actually think an interesting case here is an example-- the example of alan bloom who in the reception of his famous book "the closing of the american mind", a blockbuster book alan bloom says what's wrong with higher education, it's killing the souls of our children and they are getting this pluralism and multiculturalism, but what they are not is great ideas and they are not getting the ch