. >> celebrating nancy reagan, now reporting, george stephanopolis. >> good afternoon. we are celebrating the life of nancy reagan one of the most influential first ladies in history, known for her grace, style and above all her single minded devotion to the 40th president, ronald reagan. the two married more than half a century. she died on sunday the at age of 94. she will be laid to rest today next to her husband at the ronald reagan presidential library. you can see the guests gathered for the funeral moments away and i am joined by barbara walters would knew both very well and invited to the funeral. what a love step. >> it was. it is nice that people turned out to be as devoted to her as they were. it was one of the from stories we knew about she said her most permit request for her funeral, george, was she be laid to rest as close as physically possible to the president so that when her cassette is lowered she will -- her cassette is lowered she will be next to him. >> president george w. bush and secretary hillary clinton and laura bush, and ambassador kennedy,