matt preston, dean chamberlain, george woodalling, carroll coppell, nikollo. >> good afternoon, my name is bill blackwell with the plumbers and pipe fitters in san francisco. just to reiterate what some of these tenants have said, this is a property that has lived its life. some of the areas are 60 years old. the infrastructure for this property is failing. we can walk any days you would like to, and i can show you gas lines, sewer lines and water lines in the walls that are failing. when we have redone it, they have passed the construction on to tenants. i understand the concerns the tenants have about being relocated and no rent control, but this owner has kept its word every step of the way. if not, they are going to get all these pass-throughs put on to them, and it will be worse for them. i hope you support this project. supervisor mar: thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i am the chair of the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods. nine years on the housing committee. this is recommend says ent of redevelopment of the edition in 1950's. this displacement of thousands i gue