unesco is an organization that president george wvp bush rightly determined the united states autoto be part of. why? as he basely put it and we understand it it's essentially an anti-extreme itself organization. it does importance things like holocaust education. educating girls and women in places like afghanistan. providing literatesy training for police and other personnel in places like afghanistan and elsewhere. it is doing essential work from girls' education to tsunami warning that serve u.s. interests. we think we ought to be part of it. now the palestinians did something reprehenceable that we strongly opposed that was to try to take a shortcut to membership of unesco prior to a negotiated agreement with the israelis. we oppose that. we think there ought to be consequences for that. but the consequence should not to put ourselves in a position to fund programs that are no longer in our interest and ultimately will lose our vote in this organization. we believe and expect they will resume their contributions to unesco so they are not liable to lose their vote as we will be l