fired, shattering glass, sending zimmer nan to the hospital where he was treated and released after what his lawyer calls a near death experience. does trouble find george zimmerman, or george zimmerman finds trouble? >> some of these things would never get any attention at all if it hadn't been george zimmerman involved. >> reporter: apperson says he felt threatened when he saw zimmerman waving his gun around as he was driving. >> he was acting in self-defense. >> reporter: the two have had run-ins in the past including one incident last september when apperson says he called 911 after zimmerman pulled up in a truck and began yelling at him, threatening to kill him. while zimmerman denies ever waving a weapon in monday's incident, police confirm he did have one in his vehicle. police telling us today that there will be a long and thorough investigation and they cannot yet s say if anyharges will be filed. david? >> linsey davis in florida tonight. thank you. >>> now, to madison, wisconsin, tonight, prosecutors this evening announcing no criminal charges for the deadly police shooting of an unarmed man. the officer opening fire on a 19-year-old during a