georgie swift: fantastic, olivia, yeah, of course. , which-- georgie: olivia, one of the young people that i see, identifies as non-binary. the assessment of a young person who's non-binary is extremely rigorous. it's really important that i gain a really good understanding of the whole of this young person's life and their functioning and their identity and where that fits in to their life for them. georgie: come this way, guys. how are you? georgie: i've got 65 clients open to me at the moment and 9 of them identify as non-binary. one way of describing being non-binary is neither male nor female or neither woman nor man. georgie: just round to the left here today, everyone. georgie: so some people describe that as agender or no gender. other people describe to me that they feel both male and female and that the, i guess, degree of male or female-ness may vary on any day, and that that may be reflected in their gender expression. georgie: so you had to go to school for half the day today, olivia? olivia: yeah. georgie: i think it's re