colonel georgy fedorovich zakharov, he made the following decision: after they break through the enemye a mobile group so that it advanced through brezh and, so to speak, was such a battering ram in front of the advancing troops of the second belarusian front, such a competent decision, it allowed us to continue to break through the enemy’s defenses. as front commander, zakharov was responsible, one might say, for everything. in case of victory, that is, the solution of the task assigned to him by the higher command, he can be praised, rewarded, yes, but this no longer depends on him, but in case of failure, in case of loss, he definitely bears responsibility as the commander of the front. he gave himself the report is that the enemy is strongly fortified with three lines of defense, directly, if we take the mogilev fortified area, and they were prepared in advance, everything was targeted, that is, the germans can shoot in the dark, since everything is targeted, there are known possible fords where the enemy is, well in this case soviet troops may try to pantone there...