georre zzmmerman as launched a website waaning supporters about groups falsely cllimingg to raise money for him. donaaions for his lawyers and living expenses.the attorney says it's not fair.if the have been arreeted day ne, hour one.this situation with the website now ann everythiig is a luxxry that ttayvon martin doesn't have and we believe he never would have hhd..eenwhile, the special &pprosscutor ooerseeing the invvstigation said she will not send a case against zimmerman to a grand jury.the marrin family attorney says that's fine.we look at hhr not impaneling grand jury as a positive thinn, because that means she eitterrfeels she's gonna have ennugh evidence waive probable cause to arrest the killer of this unarmed teee.--natsot break--also ponnay, a group of students marched to the sanford police for martin.they blocked the ddpartment's main entrance, briefll closing the building. i'mmmary ellen hopkins reporting. zimmerman's lawyers and a friend confirred the authhnnicitt of his websitt.. in it....zimmerman also says he cannot discuussthh details of the shooting... adding the fa